Do you find that you get lots of visitors to your website, but your sales are comparatively low? If so, you may be concerned that your conversion rates are poor. Companies are secretive about their conversion rates, so it can be hard to compare your business to competing companies, but on average, a successful conversion rate is between 1% and 2%.
Having a low conversion rate can be frustrating, and it can be hard to understand exactly why customers are not completing their purchases. You may be wondering how you can boost your conversion rates but be unsure how to do this. Read on to discover some of the actions that you can take to give your conversion rates a boost:
Interact with Your Customers
Many businesses have found that the introduction of live chat software to their website has improved the customer experience. This valuable tool can also boost your conversion rates by enabling customers to receive answers to their queries immediately and then complete their purchase. Including a live chat function on your website could help to drive down the number of abandoned baskets on your site and give your conversion rate a boost.
If you want to take your interaction levels a step further, why not add video chat capabilities to your site? Once you have live video available, you will be able to demonstrate your product to potential customers and showcase its features for them to see. Having you on hand to answer their questions should also help you to gain sales. You can find out more with this useful information on how to add video chat by click4assistance and discover how using video chat could benefit your business.
Perfect Your Product Listings
As visitors to your site cannot see your products in person, it is vital to provide comprehensive product descriptions. Potential customers are dependent on product descriptions to inform their purchase decision. Therefore, you need to ensure that your product descriptions contain all the details that a customer needs to know to convince them to purchase your items.
Your product description needs to cover all of the basic information relating to the product. Details such as the product’s measurements, weight, color, and main features should all be included in the description. Adding details of any guarantees that the product comes with is a good idea too.
Take High-Resolution Product Images
As well as providing your site visitors with an informative written product description, you will also need to include clear images of the product with the listing. Product photography can take a little practice to get right, so you may need to experiment a little to improve the quality of your images. The quality of your pictures can have a strong impact on your conversion rate. If people think that the photos look low quality, they may view your website as unprofessional and avoid making a purchase. Don’t forget to photograph the product from multiple angles so that potential customers can see its features.