How to grow a business is a key question for business leaders, whether they operate an SME or big firm. There is a huge volume of advice and information in print and online written by a host of different people claiming to tell you the secrets of how to be successful in business. However it can be difficult to access reliable tips and advice actually telling you how to achieve success. There is […]
It isn’t unusual for managers to provide their team members with to-do lists, especially in smaller organizations where such a feat is easy to manage. This alone is an example of delegation at its best, giving you peace of mind, and freeing staff to achieve the work/life balance they require once they tick off all those items. Sometimes, though, managers make the mistake of failing to streamline these to-do lists. Rather than helping team […]
When you are running your own business, no matter how large or small, there is no getting away from the fact that you need a website. Consumers and clients expect to be able to take a look at you online, they expect you to have an online presence. Whilst it is relatively straightforward and inexpensive to get a website up and running for your business within a matter of a few hours, you will want […]
Pexels – CC0 Licence Do you struggle to keep up with modern trends? If you are looking to modernize your business, one of the most successful aspects can be a rebranding. Rebranding isn’t about making a new logo; rebranding is all about carving a new identity for yourself. A good brand is able to communicate what your business does and establishes credibility. The big problem with any brand is that it might not last […]
Pexels – CC0 Licence Many people choose to set up a business with someone else. After all, it’s a way to keep motivated and it’s the burden being shared with someone else. But when the visceral pressures of running a business come to the fore it can threaten to derail the partnership. With this in mind, what are the key components to consider when you are trying to keep a partnership afloat? What […]