Why You’re Not Sleeping
It is hard to sleep when our minds are racing. Incessant tossing and turning can only aggravate our nerves and make sleeping a chore. Over a quarter of the world’s population is suffering with insomnia.Insomnia can make us feel irritability and grumpy and can eventually lead to weight gain and heart problems, but why can’t we sleep when we want to and what can we do about it?
The Brain When It Sleeps
We live in a fast-paced world and this means our minds must keep up. Life’s daily stressors can do a number on our brain’s ability to slow down, relax and sleep. When we sleep, our brains and bodies are working. The cells in our bodies are charging up while our minds are eliminating waste so that it can support learning and memory. Appetite, overall mood, and libido are all affected by sleep. Thus, interrupting this cycle can cause a host of issuesthe day after poor sleep as well as in the long term.
Mind Out of Sorts
When we experience a restless night of sleep, we may feel groggy the following day and look forward “catching up” to recoup what was lost. Insomnia, however, is a chronic condition with severe effects on our health. Chemical imbalances in the brain after a night of not sleeping can lead to mental health issues. People suffering with insomnia have aten-fold risk of developing depression compared with those who sleep well.
Besides depression, sleep deprivation can also negatively affect memory and focus and if insomniapersists it can lead to poor coordination and decision-making abilities.
Additionally, it can also make it difficult to concentrate and it can stifle creativity. If insomnia goes untreated the brain becomes susceptible to hallucinations, mania, impulsive behavior, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts.
Rewiring Your Brain
Once a pattern of sleeplessness has been established, it can be hard to get out of this physical, mental and emotional rut thus finding remedies for sleep deprivation is essential. Some individuals try scented candles, yoga and meditation, while others try melatonin and use CBD oil to relaxand fall asleep. Regardless of the type of treatment or remedy used, it is essential to understand that we may need a combination of remedies and that consistency is the key.
If insomnia persists, seek the advice of a doctor who can help address the root issue. An underlying condition may be causing the sleep problem.
Recuperating from Insomnia
Insomnia rewires the brain and can put us down a negative path that is difficult, but not impossible, to revert. As one exits a bout of insomnia regardless of length, it is essential to set the enough time aside to rest and “catch up” on sleep we’ve missed. The body needs to get accustomed to a strict sleeping schedule and when it’s back in rhythm, the mind can function better, and our moods can be more stable.
Defeating insomnia takes time, information, and, perhaps a bit of professional help. Once a healthy sleeping pattern has been regained, our general outlook on life will be more positive. The insomnia can be a terrible affliction but, luckily, one that is highly responsive to treatment.
Erika Long loves corgis, curry and comedy. Always searching for the next great snuggle, flavor or laugh, she inspires people to live their best life now. When not writing, Erika can be found at her local brewery dominating Harry Potter trivia night.