You’ve heard it said a thousand times: “I’m not a technical person.” But uttering those words is becoming something of an embarrassment. We live in a highly technological society. If people are to be truly useful, they need to understand how the world works on a basic level. If they don’t, then they will struggle to find rewarding and well-paying careers. Being technical makes you useful.
The Arts Are A Barrier
There’s a barrier to technical education though: the arts.
At school, the vast majority of students find artistic subjects more compelling than their scientific counterparts. They’re more creative and attractive. And they allow people to explore their emotional sides more.
Unfortunately, being a useful artist is a challenge. Yes, you can create beautiful works, but that doesn’t mean that people will necessarily value them. Becoming successful in music or heaven forbid, traditional canvas painting, is almost impossible. Hardly anyone does it (although the payoffs are massive for the lucky few).
Every Business Is Becoming Technical
You might think that there are still plenty of options out there for non-technical people. But the truth is that opportunities are dwindling. Even public sector employers are preferentially choosing people with scientific or engineering backgrounds. Knowing how the world works on a basic level is essential.
Businesses are becoming more technical because of the incessant march of technology and the force of competition. The need to keep pace with one’s rivals is driving mass adoption of the cloud, for instance, which is changing the very nature of work itself. It’s quite remarkable to watch it play out in practice.
Companies, therefore, need people who understand all this stuff and can make strategic sense of it. It’s no longer enough to learn to read and write and then pick up everything else on the job. Instead, you have to spend many years immersing yourself in it before you can add real value to other people.
The good news is that there are now more educational opportunities than ever before for candidates wanting to become more technical. The best electrical engineering programs provide both theory and hands-on approach, showing you the kind of work you can expect when you take a full-time role.
Being technical also makes you highly transferable and increases your market power. You’re no longer grateful for whatever job you have. Instead, you’re an unchained agent, free to seek out jobs offering the highest remuneration. Which roles you take is entirely your choice. You can work for fun, money or both. It’s ultimately up to you.
As more and more businesses become technical in the future, it’s going to change the nature of work. The value of non-technical people is, unfortunately, going to decline (something we can see happening already), and the monetary returns for technical people are going to rise. Knowledge provides you with a competitive advantage. The more you understand compared to an unskilled worker, the more companies have to pay you. They simply cannot get the skills you offer for a lower price.