The winter season entails cold weather and storms, which can be fierce. In addition, it is a season with falling snow and cool temperatures. The winter weather can damage your business premises if you are unprepared, which can be detrimental to the success of your business.
If you house your business in places that experience winter, it is best to make sure it is in shape to battle winter conditions. Winterizing your house can be easy and low-budget, and it can help you keep warm during colder months. This blog post will discuss getting your business premises ready for winter.
Check Your Roof
Having a leakage in your roof is the worst news you can have during winter. However, a roof inspection can help you spot cracks and any potential issues in your roof. For example, it would help if you looked out for broken shingles, cracked vent pipes, and cracked caulk.
You can also consider spf roofing to adjust your roof to adapt to all weather seasons. The application of foam and coating is quick, and it can adhere to your roof shape. In addition, this method provides insulation for your business and is energy efficient.
Check Your Heating System and Replace the Filter
It’s advisable to test run your heating system. You do not want to go through the cold season with a malfunctioning system. The heating system is vital in your business premises since it plays a significant role in keeping the indoors warm.
You should change your furnace filters at least after every three months. Also, your furnace needs to be inspected by a professional to make sure everything is operational. The professional can clean the furnace and change the filter for you.
Insulate Your Windows
Winter drafts can detract you from the cozy vibe you would like inside your business premises, where these drafts can lift your energy bills. Reducing drafts can help you lower your business’ energy costs. Besides, it makes your venue comfortable.
You can then insulate your windows to ensure you conserve the energy in your premises and avoid leakages. There are several ways you can do window insulation, for instance;
- Rope caulk – is a method where you mold soft and sticky stuff to fill the gaps in your windows and window panes. An advantage of this method is removing the caulk at the end of the winter season.
- Nail polish – you can apply clear polish to fill the cracks, which, when it hardens it stabilizes the glass until you replace it. This method is one of the most cost-effective when you have broken windows.
- V-seal weather stripping – It’s where you add plastic weather stripping on the sashes’ sides. It is suitable because your windows can open and shut with the V-seal present.
Trim Tree Branches Around Your Business Premises
Winter may seem like a gentle season, but it can be rough with winter storms and heavy snow falling off it. Having three branches hanging over your business roof can be dangerous. It can cause damage to your venture.
Overhead branches angling over your venue can cause excess water to seep into your roof cracks. It would be best to manage the trees and plants around your premises. At least make sure the branches are 3 feet away from your housing.
Clean Gutters
Gutters clogged with leaves and dirt can affect your drainage. Waste can freeze into big icy masses that can get under shingles and damage your roof. Make a point of checking your gutters to avoid blockage.
Insulate Your Pipes
All exposed pipes running along your housing walls in unheated areas are potential hazards. The water inside pipes can freeze and cause the pipes to burst due to a drop in temperatures. Insulate the pipes or, if possible, move them to heated areas.
Check Your Snowblower
You don’t need to wait till the winter season to inspect your snow removal equipment. For example, your snowblower may need a motor oil change or some air filter change. Instead, make essential maintenance and ensure everything runs before the cold season hits.
House Outdoor Furniture and Plants
You don’t want your plants to freeze outside in your watch. So before the cold season hits, take all your outdoor plants and furniture inside. But, first, you should clean the furniture and get somewhere to store them like the parking area.
You also need to clear all your garden tools from the garden and store them in a secure place. It would help keep them somewhere you could be servicing them to prepare for after winter. Finally, disconnect your garden hose and store it safely. When you leave tools unattended, you give a chance for snow damage.
In conclusion, to ensure you winterize your business premises, you should have a checklist. It will help you ensure you do not leave out any important things. Winterizing your business premises allows you to keep warm throughout the cold season. Winterizing also helps your staff avoid getting any cold-related diseases.