When it comes to strategizing for quality marketing that packs a punch, the more you know, the better. Especially as more businesses flock to using this unique social – media platform, it tends to spark greater attention these days. This, in turn, ought to attract more sellers than before. So if you’ve got a business, put it up on TikTok and hope for the best…. get the word out there by doing the following….
Be Random & Soak in the “Culture” of It All
This site is all about being random, and so are its top celebs…. they all started somewhere, marketing themselves or their product / brand, and just “went with the flow”…. seeing what worked and what did not. In turn, they learned how to best sell themselves and adapt to changes as they went along.
There’s a rich type of persona that both views content and puts it out. This platform, overall, caters to certain stereotypes. They were initially all mostly young – minded but now branch out to be more inclusive of those 30 and older as well.
Study Its Algorithm
The algorithm determines which videos show up first: It makes suggestions to your page. It studies your user behavior. Comb the web to learn as much on this algorithm as you can ; there’s copious material out there on the matter.
Furthermore, according to Forbes’ TikTok marketing approach, the (MIV) or Media Impact Value of your brand’s overall performance on TikTok plays a pivotal role in the grand scheme of things. Top pages on this platform are known to easily generate $100,000 or more in terms of MIV. Follow some of the top trend-setters like Nava Rose or Saint Laurent ; there’s much to be learned from their examples and processes.
Narrow ItsTarget Audience
Marketing is selling. It’s telling a story. And TikTok marketing, to that end, is not too different.
Final Word?
You’re right to say more people and brands rapidly gravitate to this semi – new platform for networking. And you’d be wise to jump on the bandwagon yourself and keep up with the times. The sooner, the better —- so remember to be random and unique, learn the culture of this platform both inside and out as best you can, study how it all works (including its data – analytics side of things), define your unique audience for this particular platform, and continue until you grow your business’s outreach efforts to see results!