If you’re looking to get on with a productive day of work, then it’s important to make sure that you’re organized. Not only in how you plan out your time, but also in the space that you’re working within. Your workstation can play a huge role in how your working day goes. How do you make sure that it’s keeping your efficient, comfortable, and happy to keep working?
Organize your desk space
If you’re like many people, then you want to keep your most commonly used resources close at hand. Whether it’s stationery, certain important documents, or your own notes. As you gather more of these important resources, it can start to make quite a mess. Using desk tidy accessories, you should ensure that everything has its place: a tray for the documents, a smaller one for stationery, a cork board for your notes, and so on.
Keep it well lit
You want to make sure that the glare of your computer screen isn’t the only light that’s reaching your eyes. It’s a good idea to make sure that you have some contrasting light, whether it means being at eye level with a source of natural light or having a lamp or other light source on your desk. Not only can it help you protect your eyes from eyestrain and going dry. It can also help you avoid the tiring effects of blue light. If you’re working late, make sure you have an app on your device that turns down the blue light it presents as the day gets later.
Mind your cables
Disorganization is the great enemy, as we have already detailed. However, it’s not all about what’s happening on top of the desk. You should take a look under, as well. Not only can a mess of cables be a tripping hazard, but it can also be very distracting. Make use of quality zip ties, cable ties, and more to ensure that you have the cables all lined up neatly above and below your desk. It can also help keep your tech working better for longer by preventing broken wire connections.
Think ergonomically
Your comfort (and health) can both be majorly influenced by how you work. Follow some ergonomic tips to ensure that your workstation isn’t causing you some real pain. Keep your chair level with your desk so that you don’t have to reach up or down to make use of your keyboard. Sit at a level where your eyes meet the top of your monitor, so that you don’t have to rest your neck in uncomfortable ways. Back support is crucial too, so invest in a lumbar cushion if you need to. If you spend all day working at your desk, you have to make sure your desk can support you all day.
Your workstation isn’t the only thing that’s going to maintain your productivity levels. However, as your immediate work environment, it certainly does play a large factor. Keep this in mind if you’re looking at your desk and wondering how to make it work better for you.