Many businesses provide company cars to enable employees to get from A to B, reduce travel expenses and promote their brand. Company cars offer an array of benefits, but it’s essential to ensure they run smoothly. In this guide, we’ll offer some tips to help you keep your fleet on the move.
Maintenance and servicing
As a business owner, it’s imperative to manage costs and to look for ways to boost efficiency at the same time as lowering expenses. If you have company cars, investing in maintenance and regular services can help to lower the risk of mechanical and performance-related issues, saving you money on repairs and prolonging the lifespan of the vehicles. Book your cars in for regular services and carry out frequent inspections.
Repairs and performance enhancement
Cars are not immortal, and it’s not uncommon to hear odd noises or smell strange odors when you’re a driver. The key to keeping cars running smoothly lies in addressing issues as early as possible. Encourage your employees to report any problems and take swift action. Carrying out repairs as soon as issues start to become apparent can save you money and prevent the situation from getting worse. You can also look into ways to enhance performance, such as ordering custom coil springs and tuning the engine. You may find that this increases efficiency. It’s wise to work with an auto repair shop or a business that specializes in car maintenance and performance to identify ways to reduce the risk of technical faults and improve the driving experience.
Driving skills
If you provide company cars for employees, it’s advantageous to have policies and procedures in place, which actively promote careful driving. Careless driving can have serious implications for you as a company owner. If your employees are reckless, for example, this can impact your reputation and it can also increase the risk of injuries and damage to the car and premature engine and tire wear. Encourage your employees to drive safely, run awareness courses and consider organizing training to enhance skills and lower the risk of accidents. It is important that your employees understand that they are representing you and your brand when they get behind the wheel of a car that carries your business name. If people are driving too fast, or they put other drivers in danger, this will affect the way potential customers view your brand.
Replacing vehicles
Modern cars are built to last, but generally speaking, the longer you have a vehicle, the higher the risk of spending money on repairs. It’s a good idea to look into contracts and offers that enable you to switch cars on a regular basis so that your team always has access to new or nearly new cars.
Accident Protocols
Accidents, though we all hope to avoid them, can still occur despite best efforts at prevention. It’s crucial for any company utilizing a fleet of vehicles to have a well-defined accident protocol. This protocol should not only ensure the safety of the driver but also protect the company’s assets and reputation. Immediate steps include securing the accident scene, assessing the need for medical attention, and notifying law enforcement. Following these immediate concerns, reporting the incident to your insurance provider is vital. Additionally, involving an expert trucking accident investigator can be invaluable in analyzing the event and providing insights that could prevent future accidents if a truck is involved. This detailed procedure ensures that all incidents are handled consistently and professionally, ultimately minimizing financial and reputational impacts.
If you run a business, and you own or lease company cars, it’s essential to ensure that your fleet runs smoothly. Invest in maintenance, inspect the vehicles frequently, encourage drivers to report problems and promote safe, careful driving. If your cars are running like clockwork, and your employees are safe drivers, this will help to increase efficiency, lower costs and enhance your brand image.