There will always be times when you are not able to get the clients you need or earn as much money as you think is necessary. Being a freelancer is about the feast and the famine. And when you are an independent creative professional, getting stuck in a rut happens from time to time. And this means that you need to figure out how to break out of this, not just in terms of earning extra money but also to benefit your creativity. What are the ways to do this?
Diversifying Your Income
When we are struggling to bring home the money when we are working in a specific field, the lesson is very simple. You need to diversify your earning potential. The great thing is that there are many ways to do this. There are a wide variety of freelance sites to look for virtual assistants and low-skilled individuals. But you also need to think beyond the freelance parameters. It’s not just about what you do, but it’s how you use your money. For example, cryptocurrency is an investment that has yielded many benefits. And using crypto exchanges to start dipping your toe into this world can be invaluable. Sites like the Swyftx crypto exchange can show you the ropes as far as cryptocurrency is concerned. You don’t have to start with a lot of money, but you may find that if you keep your toe in investments, this could be the thing to keep you afloat during really difficult times.
Work With Different Techniques
It is crucial to remember that when you are stuck in a certain way of working, trying different approaches can reinvigorate your attitude to the work. Focusing on different techniques like the Pomodoro technique, or simply changing your scenery can reinvigorate you. Because if you are struggling with your freelance approach, it might not necessarily be about what you are doing but how you are doing it.
Start Learning New Things
The freelance world is becoming more and more competitive. What are you doing to improve yourself? It’s so easy to start learning new things, but it’s about applying them. It makes you a more competitive person if you offer services with a wide range of abilities. People would rather stick with someone they know that can get the job done, rather than having to go through the process of finding someone new all over again because they’ve got different skills. And this can be how you promote yourself. Thinking of yourself as a personal brand will help you to alter your attitude to yourself. Because you have to remember you’ve got services that you need to sell. And if you’re not staying productive, or you are hitting the wall as far as income is concerned, you’ve got to put your fingers in more pies.
When you are stuck in a freelance rut, the best lesson is to remember how much time you are losing, and calculate how much this is worth financially. Sometimes this can be what we need to kick ourselves back into life.