Falling hard and not knowing how to rise back up can be very disappointing despite numerous opportunities. For a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and resilience trainer Rodney Flowers, falling is not an excuse for not getting back up on his feet. Rodney talks about how to turn obstacles into opportunities and develop resilience in the face of adversity. He shares his powerful story of learning how to walk again after eighteen years of life in a wheelchair. Rodney learned the skills of possibility thinking, visualization, and goal setting in order to take control of his situation and build his business and his lifestyle as a speaker, coach, and mentor. In this interview, he shares the powerful philosophies for changing the game found in his book, Get Up!
Listen to the podcast here:
How To Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities With Rodney Flowers
How To Develop Resilience In The Face Of Adversity
One of the things I truly love doing in my life is talking to people who are out there with an inspirational mission to make people’s lives better. I think we can all agree on one thing that there’s a little too much aggression, a little too much anger in the world and a little too much finger pointing. I’m bringing on a guy that’s probably completely opposite of what he stands for. His name is Rodney Flowers. Rodney is the Founder and President of Inspirational Endeavors, LLC. His mission is to serve as an example that will inspire, motivate and encourage others never to give up, but instead reach for their hopes and dreams with earnest expectations regardless of their current limitations or challenges. Rodney’s purpose in life is to make a positive impact on the lives of millions of others. He accomplishes this by helping others remain resilient and relentless in the pursuit of happiness and self-expression so that they can live joyfully with purpose and realize their dreams.
One of the things about Rodney is he is someone who has been there. After a traumatic high school football injury, Rodney was completely paralyzed, incapacitated and bound to the confines of a wheelchair. He was told that his recovery prognosis was totally unfavorable, but after eighteen long grueling years, Rodney turned things around. He made a positive impact on the world and created the ability to walk again. He is a three-time International Amazon Bestselling Author, keynote speaker, CEO, entrepreneur, transformational leader and resilience trainer. As an internationally respected writer, superior communicator, influencer and thought leader, Rodney is dedicated, tenacious, and fully committed to being a change agent for overcoming life’s adversity and maximizing individual achievements and success. In addition to all of that, he’s a nice guy. Rodney, welcome to the show. How are you doing?
I’m doing well. I thank you for that lovely introduction and thank you for having me on the show. I’m excited about being on. I love the title The Successful Thinker because I believe that a lot of success, a lot of what we want if not all of what we want to accomplish in life starts with the way we think. I’m excited to be here.

Get Up!: I Can’t. I Will. I Did… Here’s How!
We’re excited to have you because one of the things that we believe here at The Successful Thinker is we don’t talk theory. We don’t talk conjecture. We talk about real life stuff, the real challenges, the stickiness. It’s easy to say, “Get up, go out there and do it,” but you have actually lived that program. Rodney, can you tell me about your book Get up!: I can’t. I will. I did… Here’s How!?
The title speaks for itself. I was in a place where I suffered a spinal cord injury. I went down on the field and I couldn’t get up. Proverbially, my entire life was down. I didn’t feel like I would be able to live a productive life and an effective life. I felt like life was over for me at that particular time. How was I going to rebound from it? How was I going to get up from that situation? It was a challenge mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Get Up! outlines my thought process, things that were going on with me in all those areas and how I was able to navigate the challenges and the resistance that was showing up in my life in order to get up.
In addition to that, it provides insights that provide keys and principles that I’ve used to overcome and I share it with people. I believe that everyone goes through some challenges in our lives or there’s a goal or an objective that we want to reach and it seems insurmountable. It seems like we can’t get there. I believe that these principles that I’ve learned are principles that anyone can use to overcome obstacles, to reach difficult challenges, to overcome them and to experience high levels of success. That’s what Get Up! is about. It’s about a real-life story of experiencing a traumatic incident and then overcoming that, the thought process, the physicality and the emotional transformation that occurred in order to get up.
You outlined a beautiful situation there. There’s always that situation where there’s a lack of hope, which turns into despair. How did you go about starting to turn that around?
It started with understanding what my possibilities were. That was the key because doctors were telling me that there was no way that I was going to walk. I had a 92% chance of remaining a vegetable for the rest of my life. I was lying on the bed and thinking about life. I was upset, I was sad, I was emotionally broken and I was thinking about, “Why should I continue to live?” I was in a place where I felt like giving up was the best option. During that time, going through that process over and over again, I kept thinking about, “Why should I continue to live?” After getting through all of the reasons why I shouldn’t live, things started to come to my mind. It was a question that I asked myself and I think everyone should ask themselves when they’re facing a difficult time. It was the what if question. I’m broken but I’m asking myself what if I was to overcome? Regardless of what the doctor said, what if I could still be successful? What if I could still make something of myself?
If you want something great out of your life, it requires something great out of you!! Share on XI began to see a positive possibility and I live by this now. I believe that whatever challenges that you’re facing, if we look close enough, we can begin to see an opportunity. Every challenge comes with an opportunity, even if it’s the opportunity to overcome and be an inspiration. When I’ve seen that possibility of overcoming and what that would look like, I began to get motivated. I began to get inspired. I began to want to put things in actions, even if it started in my mind. I felt like because I had a possibility of overcoming by some definition, even if I have to admit I can’t move, but with my mind I create a successful life or I create a business life or I do something. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I did something with my mind. Even if I could still be happy. What if you could still be happy? Being miserable got old very fast for me. I started living in that possibility and that’s when things started to change for me.
I’m excited to hear you say that because what if is the most phenomenal question. It’s because nothing happens before the dream starts. One of the things that I truly admire about you is that you are out there mentoring other people. If I was someone who comes to you in a place of despair and I say, “Rodney, I can’t do it.” Where do you start in your mentoring process and coaching others?
I love it when people come to me with that because that’s a mindset. When we want to accomplish something, we have a tendency to see the difficulty in whatever it is that we want to accomplish. That gives us a feeling of I can’t. We approach it with I can’t mentality or I can’t approach. What I like to do is help people to see the possibility. When we can focus on the possibility because it puts us in action. Whatever we want to accomplish is the result of our behavior. It’s the result of us doing something consistently over and over again to produce a certain result. A lot of things that we want to do and accomplish requires change. We face resistance and we don’t know how to handle that. It’s new to us. It’s unfamiliar.
Things aren’t difficult or hard, they aren’t familiar. I try to help people change their mindset towards what it is that they want to accomplish so that we can put things in action. Feeling that is hard every single day is not going to give you the momentum. It’s not going to give you the strength, the push and the inspiration to get up and face this thing every single day. You can’t focus on the possibility. For example, I was in a wheelchair for eighteen years. My goal or my focus was to walk again. Doctors were saying that’s not possible, but I knew that it is possible. It’s a very small percentage that is going to happen, but I’m willing to take that risk. What do I need to do to make this small percentage of a possibility a reality?

Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities: Every challenge comes with an opportunity, even if it’s just the opportunity to overcome and be an inspiration.
I began to focus on structures and behaviors and ways of thinking that I needed to incorporate into my life to bring that small percentage, that 8% to life. Over time of consistently doing this, I began to get certain results. I started to improve. Things got better for me and opportunities were created for me. I was able to walk in those. If I didn’t have that right mindset, if I kept approaching it is difficult, it’s not going to happen, I wouldn’t have been able to walk into those possibilities. The first thing that I do is help individuals see the possibility. Let’s move away from that it’s difficult and it’s a hard mindset. Let’s focus on what’s possible. What do we need to do to bring that to reality?
One of my favorite quotes in the world is, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” What I like about your website, for instance, there is a paragraph in your website that says, “Thanks to a steady dose of discipline, commitment, faith and persistent effort, I no longer use a wheelchair. That disabled label has been overshadowed by words like college graduate, MBA, procuring, contracting officer in the service of the US Department of Defense and Ambassador of hope.” I like that because one of the things that I believe human beings do is we fall in love with a future that hasn’t happened yet. I’m guessing that as you were working your way to walking again, you ran into countless obstacles that had probably made this success path a twisty and windy road. Is that indeed the case?
Life is a journey of ups and downs. What I’ve done is to recognize the pivot. I want to share with you and your audience my thought process to what you’re saying. In my mind, I’m still playing the game of football. Whenever I reached those dips in my life or I reached those challenges and that resistance, I make it so in my mind that it is equivalent to the defense stopping me from scoring. When the defense stops me from scoring, that means I need to make an adjustment or a pivot. That requires a change. That’s what I mean by every challenge that presents itself comes with an opportunity because now what I’m faced with is an opportunity to get stronger, to get better, to understand something differently and to make an adjustment. Maybe one I haven’t recognized before.
I’m excited about that. That keeps me from getting or staying down. I have gotten down. I get down on a regular basis, but because I understand this thought process, I don’t stay there. It’s a little bit of sports psychology that I’m using here. I know I need to adjust. In order for me to make this pivot, I look at behaviors or things that I need to learn, things I need to do differently. Perhaps an attitude I need to change towards it in order for me to make the pivot. I then make that pivot. Over time, it happens and then I’m not in that dip anymore. I’m at a place where we would classify as a success. That’s where I’m at and then something else happens. I believe success is your ability to pivot whenever you’re faced with the ups and downs of life when you’re in that dip. Those that can put processes in place have the mental endurance and the mental strength to adjust to challenges and obstacles. Those are the people that can be successful and face dire circumstances or situations on a consistent basis.
One of the things that human beings do is fall in love with a future that hasn't happened yet. Share on XThat is one of the best definitions of success I’ve heard. I have been doing this for a very long time. I’m very proud of you for focusing your mind on the pivot. I would like to highlight something that you said, “I get down a lot even now.” One of the things that successful thinkers need to realize is that life is an endless series of problems interrupted by the occasional crisis. It’s our ability to realize that no one is out there having this magical fantasy Facebook life. No matter who you are, you’re going to run into challenges. When you do, there’s nothing wrong with you. Rodney is right, there’s a huge opportunity in every challenge, if nothing else, to grow yourself. Thank you very much for underlining that and to be open enough to share that with us. People want to believe in fairy tales and there isn’t such a thing as happily ever after. Can you give us an example of the types of mentors that you look for in order to help you stay strong in your journey?
I look for individuals who are walking the talk. Coming from where I’ve come from, I’m not attracted to mentors who don’t have some level of struggle in their life. They haven’t experienced it or it seems like they have had a silver platter. I like to deal with people who have gone through some things and their struggle is recognized. It’s acknowledged. It’s known. I don’t like people that hide behind the bad stuff because I want to know that I’m dealing with someone that when times get rough, they can stick with me. They have the perseverance to keep going. I’m not looking for the most successful guy. I’m looking for the most resilient person. The person that’s not going to quit. The person that’s not going to give up. The person that’s going to challenge me and tell me the truth. They’re not going to paint a pretty picture for me continuously, but can get in there and call me out when I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing. They understand that’s what’s going to make us better. I’m not looking for someone that’s going to be gentle with me. I want someone that’s going to push me, keep me in momentum and hold me accountable or reaching the potential that I’m capable of.
“I don’t want someone who will be gentle with me.” That is enormous because isn’t it true that most of us are walking around wanting people to tell us, “You’re great. It’s wonderful.” I love that you’re willing to take it on the chin so that you can get better.
Here’s my thing and to be completely transparent here. Sometimes people are too soft and I’m going to say that bluntly. What I mean by that is when it comes to accomplishing what you want to accomplish in life or overcoming some type of obstacle that you may be experiencing, it is not always a fairy tale walk, very rarely is it. It’s going to be challenging. It’s going to require change. It’s going to require some grit. It’s going to require you to get focused. It’s going to require discipline. If you want something great in life, it’s going to require something great out of you. A lot of times now with social media and technology, it’s like instant gratification. A lot of us are not willing to put in the work that’s required. We see all these people on social media displaying these very tell-tale lives that are not completely true. Some of them are but what you don’t see is the work that people have put in in order to be successful.

Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities: Don’t look for the most successful guy. Look for the most resilient person, the person that’s not going to give up.
People are looking at me and saying, “You’re so successful. You’ve done this and you’ve done that.” What they don’t see is the daily grind, getting up at 4:30 in the morning on a consistent basis to go to the gym. When it’s hurting, but I keep going. When it’s difficult, but I keep going. When I fail, but I get up and do it again and again. That takes guts and if you’re dealing with someone that’s going to pat you on the back and say if you didn’t meet your goal, you still did good and that’s good enough, that’s BS. If you want greatness, you’ve got to take it to another level. It’s going to require you to up your game. If I’m dealing with a mentor, I want someone who understands that.
It takes a certain level of belief in me by my mentor to push me to their level. I want to make sure that it’s reinforcing that belief in myself, that they have that belief in me. That’s what I do with my clients because everyone’s capable of achieving something great in life. That belief in you needs to be reinforced and then what’s next? It’s the work. You have to do what’s necessary. Success, overcoming obstacles and reaching your objective is a result of something. It’s the structure, the processes, the willpower, the determination and the right information. Sometimes getting the right information requires you to do something different. It’s reading the book. It’s the study. It’s all of those things. If you think you’re going to get something for nothing, forget it. It doesn’t work that way.
You make me smile when you talk like that because that’s the crux of everything in life. If you want something great out of life, you said it requires something great out of you. It reminds me of what Julius Erving or Dr. J for the old Philadelphia 76ers team said, “I demand more from myself than anyone else could possibly expect.” One of the things that I love about you is you still do live in the football game. You told me once that you embrace sports and you enjoy sports. One of the things that tell me is that you are not bitter towards sports and your injury, which a lot of people choose bitterness as an option. Can you tell me about that part of your personality and how and why you overcame that?
Yes, I can. It’s because I am so grateful for what happened to me. Do I wish it on anyone else? No. If I had the opportunity, will I do it again? I’m still working on that. I’m not quite so sure. I would say no because here’s the thing. I have gotten so much out of being in this position and experiencing what I’ve experienced that I don’t know if I would have gained what I’ve gained any other way. This has introduced something new and exciting to me. I’ve been able to accomplish way more than I thought that I would be able to accomplish even before. I want to be a successful football player. I want to be there and I had the credentials to do that. I was on the right path. I don’t know if I would’ve made it.
Self-actualization can be achieved when we accomplish and overcome things and situations. Share on XI’m going to tell you one thing that I have learned for sure. Being in this place has taught me so much about myself and about what I’m capable of. I’m able to transfer those skills to other people to help them overcome and accomplish what they want to accomplish in life. Do things that they never thought they were able to do. I’m doing things that I didn’t think I was able to do. That is more rewarding to me than being able to play football. I’m still playing football in my mind. I’m embracing the challenge and what life has given me and turning it into something beautiful. We’ve heard the saying, “If life gives you lemons, turn it into lemonade.”
I believe this is a mental thing. When challenges come up, if we can embrace them, that influences the pivot. That allows you to be able to pivot out of it because you embraced it. What do I mean by embracing? Understand that this thing that is in your life right now that seems to be a challenge is nothing more than an opportunity for you to understand what it’s going to take for you as a human being to adapt and overcome. That’s beautiful because without challenges, without obstacles, without expos to show up, some of us would never understand what we’re capable of. We’ll never push and we’ll never squeeze enough to allow our greatness to come out of us. I love the universe and I love God because he gives us desires. When you have a desire and that desire is bigger than you, then it requires something more than where you currently are. It requires more than your current acknowledgment of yourself.
You have to understand new things. You have to go through different challenges and improve and grow. That’s the reason we are here. That’s the beauty of life because when we accomplish things, when we overcome things, we self-actualize. There’s no greater feeling than that. When we are giving ourselves and contributing because we’ve been able to overcome, it feels good. Why is that process prevalent in human beings? We love that. We enjoy that. The problem is it’s getting over the hump, doing the things that are necessary in order to get to that place. That’s what stops a lot of people. To me, it’s your opportunity. That’s how I view my situation. I’ve embraced it. It is what it is. How do I overcome it? How do I move on? How do I be effective in life? How do I contribute even to this place? What do I need to do to overcome, to make the best, to create the best version of me, to give the best version of myself? It requires things from me. You can take that on. You’re the bigger person. You’re not defeated by the circumstances and situations of life. You at that point become an overcomer and you start developing the game changer mentality. That will change your life. That’s how you pivot. That’s how you go to the next level. That’s what a successful thinker would do.
It’s fun to watch as I looked down the list of questions that I usually ask people in the show interview and you answered one that I haven’t even asked you, which is very cool. The question is what separates successful thinkers from average thinkers? The way I heard you said is that average thinkers ask the question, “What can I get from life?” You said that successful thinkers ask the question of “What is required from me?” That is phenomenal. One of the things that I’m fascinated with is I’ve got a ton of exciting goals that I want to accomplish. Can you take us through your goal planning strategies and for going forward into the future? How do you approach your long-term goals?

Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities: That challenge in your life right now is nothing more than an opportunity to understand what it’s going to take for you to adapt and overcome.
I always take a step back. I’m glad you brought that up. I go back and I look what have I accomplished? Where am I relative to that long-term goal, that twelve-month goal? Where am I relative to the six-month goal? I look at everything that I’ve done and the processes that are put in place. I’m looking for the result. What are the results? If I haven’t achieved the result, then I look at, “Where was the breakdown?” There is where I’m going to implement some changes. I evaluate my processes. I evaluate everything that I’ve done up to that point and see where the breakdown is? Why did I fall short or if I overachieve? What did we do to produce the results that we want? During the second half, it’s making those necessary adjustments. It’s like a game. I do it like this. You think about a four-quarter game. I break the year up into four quarters, first quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter. I’m approaching halftime. At half time, I’m going to go in. I’m getting into the locker room and I’m going to take a look at how did I play the first half of the year. What games did I show up for? How did I play those games? My games are like my speaking engagements. How did I deal with my coaching clients? Did I pick up any new coaching clients?
I look at how I performed in the professional arena. Did I hit my objectives? How have I been playing the game? If I feel that there are some areas where I need to improve or make some minor adjustments, I’m going to make myself aware of that consciously and I’m going to do the tweaking. I’m going to go out and play the second half. The second half has already been set in terms of objectives. I know what I’m trying to reach. I may do things a little bit differently. The way I approach the second of the year, I approach those speaking engagements may be a little bit different. Maybe I want to focus on certain areas. Maybe I want to focus on presenting myself in a different way. When it comes to my health, I look at have I been drinking enough water? Did I execute my workout the way I have set it up? How many days am I missing? Am I spending the right amount of hours in there? I make those minor adjustments and then I’ll come out and execute for the second half.
You shared a wonderful mix of preparation, review and outlook. I love how it makes me feel like you’re watching the game films of your last few months and trying to decide where do we have to adjust where we come out of the locker room. One of the things that I believe is, successful thinkers are lifelong learners. How do you go about educating yourself on how to play your best game and how to be the best version of Rodney Flowers? What is your education plan for yourself?
One of the keys for successful thinker is not trying to do it alone. You have a coach. I have mentors and I look to them. I seek information, what book should I be reading? People that have been in the game a lot longer than me and they’re smarter than me. I surround myself with people no more than I know. I’m always trying to be on their level, to get to a place of success that they are experiencing. That gives me an advantage because I’m able to tap into information that I wouldn’t typically be able to tap into. Once they tell me what it is that I need to be looking at or reading, then I set it up. That’s where it comes. You’ve got to do the work.
Changing your mentality towards becoming an overcomer can change your life for the better. Share on XFor example and this is a true story. I got back from a leadership training course and they’ve given me a couple of books that I need to read. It’s four or five books. There’s another course that’s coming up that I want to attend. The progression as you take this course and then you get into another one. My process is I have to take these four books because now what we have is homework. I’m going to take these four or five books and I want them to be done by a certain time. During this period of a few months, I’m going to break it out. If this is a few months, I need to have all four of these books read by a certain period of time. When did you want to have the first one done? I chop it up in equal timeframes and then I execute. I set the process up and then I execute. As long as I stay on course, I put that structure in place. I have all that stuff done before the next class.
That’s how I keep my mind sharp. I have Audible on my phone. I’m always listening. I’m always tapping into my mentors to get information about what it is that I’m doing. I stay reading and studying. You take a good athlete. Let’s take Tom Brady for example. We all know he’s not the most physical quarterback in the NFL but his study is ridiculous. This guy studies the film. His acumen relative to the football game is amazing. That’s the approach I take is making sure that I’m not only out there physically executing, but also when I’m not on the court or I’m not on the field, I’m making sure that I have that continual flow of information. I’m staying up-to-date on the information in my field.
One of the things I seem to feel coming from you is you have a tremendous gift for visualization. Is that something that you’ve discovered about yourself or your way of seeing out into the future for yourself?
Visualization is powerful and it has catapulted me to not only being able to walk again but experienced success in my business and success in a professional area. We are creative beings. We have the ability to bring things forward. What’s the first step in that process? It’s able to think of something. You’ve got to think about it first. If we have a clear picture of what it is that you want via visualization that tends to put things in motion. When you can clearly see where your destination is then you can start thinking about, “If that’s where I want to be, what do I need to do in order to get to that place?”

Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities: When you can clearly see what your destination is, you can start thinking where you want to be and what you need to do in order to get to that place.
It’s like if you were standing in one part of the room and you wanted to go to the other side, if you can clearly see the other side that you want to go to, then you would know what steps you need to take in order to get there. For some people, they can’t see that. They can’t see themselves as successful. They can’t see themselves as doing things great. They can’t see themselves as being a recognizable contributor to life. They can’t see themselves as being successful. There we have a problem because you’re paralyzed in a sense because you don’t know what steps to take. When you can clearly see yourself, like you truly see yourself successful, then you start asking the right questions. “What do I need to do, how, what if?” That tends to put things in motion and it creates a certain level of belief.
If you can’t see it, you can’t believe it. When you can see it and if you can create a clear picture in your mind, you can hold that picture, then the mind has a way of starting to believe that. A critical area for a lot of people is the beliefs that they have, the belief systems. It’s from the current environment or the past environment that’s taken up space in their mind. It’s difficult to see something new because you know what you’ve experienced. Being able to create something outside or beyond your current situation or your past situation will allow you to start changing your behavior and the thought process that you’re experiencing. Visualization is key. It’s very important and it’s very powerful in making that pivot or creating change in your life.
I use it like this. Sometimes we’re going along this road and out of nowhere there’s this tree. We want to keep going but we keep bumping up against the tree. You’ve got to be able to see around or over or under the tree and that requires change. When we started, I told you that possibility. It was a positive possibility. I began to see and visualize that and I held that. Like walking, I held that vision of walking in my mind. I never let that go and because it was there, I was always seeking it and I started doing things to bring it forward. When you can hold that image of whatever it is that you want in your mind, it gives you a sense of inspiration, focus, discipline and determination to bring it forward.
I think it’s important. One of the things that you underlined was no one is born with this incredible belief that their dream is just going to come true. It’s something that you have to work at and you have to continually develop that dream and belief in yourself by saying, “You can do it. This is what it looks like.” Writing it down and continuously building that belief. One of the other things you said that is important is to surround yourself with people that believe in you. There are enough people out there that can support you. My wife accomplished a huge goal and that’s the thing that was the best about it is all the people that came to her aid. We have this myth out there that there are all these people wanting to tell us that we can’t, but I have found those people tend to go away quickly when you’re already doing it.
I want to piggyback on that because it’s important to have people that are around you to support you, but what’s more important than that is to be able to articulate what they’re supporting. That’s where visualization comes in because we don’t know. You can see it, but you don’t experience what it is you want until you actually have it because it’s in a mental form in your mind. It hasn’t reached its physical form. In order to get the right people to support you, you’ve got to be able to articulate what’s not in physical form to them so that they can see what it is that you’re trying to accomplish in life in their mind and then they can get behind it.
I’m a spiritual person and one of the books that I like to read is the Bible. There’s a scripture in there that says, “Without a vision, people perish.” When you don’t have that vision, not only do you perish, people perish because you can’t articulate the vision. There’s nothing that we have in a mental form that we can hold on and that we can work towards. Vision is important because it marks your destination. It’s your North Star. You’re able to get people on board with you and bring them along. When it comes to being a leader, even in your own life, vision is important because if you don’t have a vision of where you want to go, then you’re not going to go anywhere.
It’s true and it’s powerful. Rodney, can you tell our audience where they can follow up with you? How can they learn more about you? Maybe leave them with one last message.
RodneyFlowers.com is my website. I’m available on all social media. You can search Rodney Flowers on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. I’m also on Twitter. You can also email me at [email protected]. I’m open to your perspective on my philosophy. I’m open to working with people, coaching them and helping you overcome wherever you are. Reach out to me. I love this work. I love helping people. I like changing the game in life. That’s how you can find me.
One of the things that I’d like to add to that is Rodney has an awesome podcast called The Game Changer Mentality. His blog is just about second to none. Check out Rodney, he can help keep your thinking as successful as possible. Rodney, I want to thank you for being here. Successful Thinkers, I appreciate the time that you spent with us. I know it’s going to help you. I’m hoping that you’ll read this episode over and over until you decide to get where you want to go in life. Remember always that like me, I’m sure Rodney believes in you and no matter what happens, we’re in your corner.
Important Links:
- Rodney Flowers
- Get up!: I can’t. I will. I did… Here’s How!
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- Instagram – Rodney Flowers
- LinkedIn – Rodney Flowers
- Twitter – Rodney Flowers
- [email protected]
- The Game Changer Mentality
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