Today, customers expect a great customer experience consisting of an uncomplicated customer journey, and of course maximum convenience. As more and more companies offer a similar experience, the competition becomes tough. Customers also get used to it and here your organization actually commits to meeting the changing customer expectations. Customers can be frustrated by organizations that do not adapt and adopt new technology because they see it as a lack of consideration for the customer’s needs and disregard on the part of the organization. This does not happen in every organization or company but will happen over time, and as more competing companies adopt new technologies and make them accessible for all.
Personalization (Customization) – 80% of customers tend to purchase more branded products and services that offer personalized experiences. Personalization offers many benefits to customers and organizations and companies alike. Customers receive promotions and offers that are relevant to them, and organizations focus their advertising budget solely on advertisements relevant to a segmented audience. How can you bring people together? How about virtual events? It is brilliant for the time being to offer this and in this case you may want to look at a virtual events strategy.
Chat bots – Chatbots are proven to be extremely useful in improving customer experiences and at the same time present many benefits to organizations and companies. When the chat bot can work in several channels simultaneously your organization becomes more available, and handles most inquiries in a shorter time. Channels like: Email, Chat, WhatsApp, and Messenger are very popular and there you should serve customers via chat bot. About 50% of organizations and companies in Israel plan to invest in a chat bot rather than mobile apps or any other factor. When looking at the fact that a chatbot can cut operating costs up to about 40% when built well, it is easy to see why so many organizations are investing in artificial intelligence and automation solutions in the chatbot environment.
Smart Call Routing – We expect to see a sharp increase in smart call routing in organizations. Many companies will invest in artificial intelligence and intelligent routing to ensure that customers move to the right representative at the right time so that he can solve their problem in a better way. The right representative will be the most suitable representative to deal with the situation based on their level of experience and personal expertise.
Security above all
Information security and privacy above all – hacking and access to high-profile data are occurring at an alarming rate in 2020 and it seems that this will continue in the future. Hackers work hard to hack systems and gain access to valuable customer data for exploitation purposes. Equally information security professionals work hard to combat this, but the threats continue nonetheless. Because of these attacks that are regularly brought to the news, customers are more aware than ever of their data and security. Hackers are becoming more advanced and therefore businesses must protect themselves as much as possible.