Many people are working from home now, and this is because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s not necessarily bad news, however, as remote working is beneficial in some ways, especially when it comes to a better work-life balance.
However, there are challenges. It can be hard for business owners to keep tabs on what their employees are up to, and employees can struggle without support too. There are also cybersecurity risks, as working from home has caused a rise in security breaches.
If you’re a business owner then, and if you have employees who are now working at home, here are some tips to help you manage and support them.
#1: Help them set up a home-working environment
For your employees to work effectively, they need the right setup at home. There is much they will need to sort out for themselves, but you can still give them advice, including the home-working tips here.
It might be that you can provide them with some of the things they will need. From office furniture to computer equipment, you could transfer what you already have on your business premises to your employees’ homes. This will make their lives easier, and you will have peace of mind in knowing that the people you employ aren’t lacking in essentials.
#2: Schedule a check-in appointment each day
Scheduled check-ins are important. Your employees will benefit from the contact they have with you, as they might need advice relating to work-related matters. You will benefit too. Not only will you be able to help them manage their workloads, but you will have the peace of mind that they are on task and not shirking their responsibilities.
The way you communicate with your employees is up to you. It could be through one-to-one phone calls or it could be through Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or some other video communication technology. You could also hold team meetings using video tech, so consider that option if it’s more efficient to get together with groups instead of individuals.
#3: Be available
In the event that your employees have anything they need to communicate to you, it’s important that you are reachable. Make sure they have your phone number and email address, as well as the contact details for the video tech you use. Of course, there will be times when you won’t want to be interrupted, so let your employees know the best time to contact you.
#4: Use the right software
For communication, collaboration, task-scheduling, and other work-related essentials, make sure you have the right software in place. Check out this list of remote work software for some useful examples, and use whatever is right for your business.
#5: Put cybersecurity measures in place
Training on cybersecurity for your employees is important, so research the online training courses that could be useful to them. You should also consult with an IT support company for practical advice and support on how to secure your employees’ work devices and home networks. By putting measures in place, hackers will have a harder time trying to gain access to your sensitive business data.
Remote working is the new normal, so take the necessary steps to manage and support your employees during this time. They will benefit from the support you give them, and you will have greater peace of mind knowing that they are able to work from their home environments. Commit to further research to learn more.