When was the last time you had a career change? Just because you choose your career when you’re 18 doesn’t mean that you have to constantly remain in that industry. You can change your mind despite what people around you might tell you. Longevity and consistency is only worth it if you’re happy and if it means that you are feeling motivated and fulfilled, you should change careers.
Whether you start your own business with homecare101.ca or you choose to jump into a career as a teacher, you should know what to look for to be sure that you are making the right choice in changing your career. Below, we’ve put together five signs that it’s time that you change your career.
- You are feeling bored. There are those days, aren’t there? You go to work, you do the same routines and you are just plain bored. You’re sick of the pay never being increased, you’re sick of the same faces every day, you’re sick of the same tasks that you do day in and day out just to be able to complete your job. You are bored – you need to change.
- You can feel the dissatisfaction. Are you coming home feeling happy about the work that you’ve just done? Are you excited when you wake up in the morning because you’re going to do something that you love? If these feelings aren’t familiar for you, then perhaps it’s time you make a change.
- You feel apathetic. Your boss has announced an incentive, and all you can hear is the internal groan because yet again it’s something to work towards that doesn’t mean anything to you. You want to feel appreciated in your job with a better salary and better benefits, but your boss insists on offering pizza Fridays and allowing you to wear jeans to work. These aren’t incentives. This can make you feel apathetic about the work you’re doing. If this is happening to you, it’s a sign that you are ready to move on.
- You dread going to work. We all wake up and feel like we don’t want to go to work from time to time even in jobs that we love. But every single day filled with tension and upset because you have to go into the same office, you need to get out of there. It’s not normal to have a constant sense of dread creeping in on a Sunday evening because Monday is the day that you start work again. Move on to something that gives you joy instead.
- You’re fantasizing about somewhere else. Lastly, if you’re unsure as to whether or not you are ready to move into a new industry, consider what you dream about. While you’re staring at the wall of your office and you’re thinking about your perfect day, is it in the place you are right now? Or is it somewhere that you would rather be? Changing your career is not a bad thing, and these are the five signs that you need it.