When you set up your own business, you expected to work hard. You like to work hard. But are you working hard these days, or are you working smart? The answer lies with how many hours you put into your working week. There’s much debate as to how many hours entrepreneurs should put into their work. Some insist that entrepreneurs should expect to work a 40 hour week like any of their employees do. Yet there are many who scoff at this, sure that to work so (relatively) few hours will lead to the ruination of the enterprises they’ve worked so hard to build. But why shouldn’t entrepreneurs expect reasonable working hours? Should your dedication to your business come at the expense of your wellbeing?
Dedication or Self-Sabotage?
To the entrepreneurial mind, your business is your baby. And you are every bit as dedicated to its care as any parent. But at what point does that dedication become self-sabotage? If you’re working 10, 11 or 12 hours a day, every day how long can you expect to last before you burn yourself out? And when your mind and body eventually succumb to stress and fatigue, how will that benefit your business?
So say no to 12 hour days. Think it’s impossible to get everything done with any less? Maybe you need to…
Trust in your employees
If you let it, your passion for your business can turn you into a micromanager- trying to do everybody’s job for them. And this can be detrimental to your team’s skills and development. Trust in your team and invest in developing their skills and keeping them motivated. If you can’t do this, you’ll never be able to take a day off. And that could create real problems.
Outsource for operational efficiency
We get it. We really do. You’re very particular about doing things your way. But the truth is that you can outsource some functions of your operation without compromising your standards or your brand identity. What’s more, outsourcing your IT to a Managed Service Provider like www.prosum.com can save you money. Not to mention leaving your operation leaner and more efficient so you feel more confident stepping away from it. It’s not just your IT infrastructure that benefits from outsourcing either. You can do the same for your Human Resources and your Digital Marketing and see a much greater Return On Investment, easier compliance and more scope for your team to do what they’re best at without having to “double up” on their responsibilities.
Accept that not all loose ends can be tied in one afternoon
Finally, your perfectionist nature insists that you need to have all your loose ends tied up before you’re prepared to call it a day. But the truth is that not everyone keeps to the same rigorous schedule as you. You may find that the hours you spend chasing up emails and phone calls to wrap a bow around the day lead to more frustration and less productivity!