In one year, Michael Levitt, CEO of Breakfast Leadership, lost his health, his job, his car, and his home. He faced daunting circumstances and difficult challenges to reinvent himself and create an entirely different life for himself and his family. Michael shares how he used the power of his thinking to figure out what went wrong and why, and how he used the wisdom he had gleaned through adversity to emerge as the best […]
When Corey Jahnke’s boss came to him with tears in her eyes because she was instructed to cut their staff by two full-time employees, he was devastated and not sure how they were even going to get by. They knew that they were wrong when they said they would have to do more with less. Corey resolved that the only way they could do more was to become more. He embarked on a journey […]
Author Napoleon Hill in his landmark study of Success and Wealth concluded that as many as 98% of the population drifts their way through life. The other 2%, the successful ones, become obsessed with a definiteness of purpose. Join host Corey Jahnke as he examines what Hill was referring to while sharing his personal formula for living life as a successful thinker using his proprietary P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Formula. — Listen to the podcast here: Introduction […]
Your past does not equal your future. In this episode, host Corey Jahnke discusses the “mid-conscious mind” and shares how this undercurrent of thought derails our plans and puts the lid on our potential. Corey shares his five-step plan for thinking spherically, allowing you to transcend yourself into the future and beyond. — Listen to the podcast here: Introduction To The Successful Thinker Part One Making The Shift From Getting Killed To Killing It!! […]
“A man walks down the street, he says ‘why am I soft in the middle now. Why am I soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard.’ ” Paul Simon from the song: “You Can Call Me Al” Here’s A great question: How do you survive at work as an adult? The guy does everything he can to be nice, play fair, and work within the system, and before he […]