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Tonya Jahnke could not be far removed from her life now 28 years ago. She was a heavy smoker, running on two packs a day, who could not even walk up a short hill without having to stop. As a high school dropout with a fourth-grade math level, she was ashamed of who she was. Yet her experiences have taught her so much more and propelled her to where she is now. Today, Tonya […]
Good leadership inspires teamwork which is one keystone to a company’s success. Gary Campbell, Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Health Center and President of Impact2Lead, has taken teamwork to incredible levels by applying what he had learned in a previous role with Bayer and through personal development training as a Go-Giver Certified Coach. Gary shares how an intense and uncompromising commitment to co-creating and living an organization’s core values has driven his team from […]
More than just heading a group of people, being a leader means being the head of the family. It is treating people as whole persons, like how you treat family members. Host Corey Jahnke and Scot Conway explore what it really means to treat people as whole persons interested in creating heart to heart connections and finding common ground as we journey through life. Scot shares the principles of oasis, harmony, assertiveness, nobility, and […]
How Successful Thinkers Rev Up Their Referrals With The Referral Diva – Virginia Muzquiz
In this fast-paced and informative episode, Host Corey Jahnke and guest Virginia Muzquiz discuss the importance of approaching networking from a “How can I help YOU?” approach that allows successful thinkers to approach networking with a solid plan that includes a principle-centered approach focused on value creation and win-win partnerships. Virginia’s networking plan allows her to stay solidly grounded in her personal values which are: (1) vision – starting with the end in mind, […]