Pexels – CC0 Licence There can be times when we struggle to find any sense of worth in our business. We could spend a lot of time streamlining processes and figuring out how to work smarter instead of harder, but there can come a point when we feel our business should be able to run by itself. This means that we could start to step away or we could figure out a new way […]
How to Increase Website Traffic
Image Credit. Businesses the world over are always looking for ways to increase their presence, with the main goal being to improve conversion rates. However, while it’s incredibly important to see those visits to your website translated into customers taking action, if you fail to generate interest in your site to begin with, increased sales become the least of your worries. In 2018, the average conversion rate for US ecommerce was just 3%. […]
Image Credit License CC0 The world of retail is an ever-evolving business. Retail giants are going into liquidation wherever you look. High-street shops are closing down due to rent and rate hikes. Even the nature of online retail is constantly changing. Payment methods are being sleeker. The way that businesses interact with their customers is completely different from a decade ago. Making sense of the new retail landscape can be tough. Here are […]
Our culture says that if you want to be successful, you have to work long hours. But is this the truth? If you look at the people at the top of the business world, it certainly seems so. Top entrepreneurs tout the fact that they put in eighty to one-hundred-hour weeks as a matter of course. Some of that, though, is personal branding. When you explore the lives of CEOs and entrepreneurs, you soon […]
When you’re starting a business, you can be full of a blinding optimism. Having that positive energy is genuinely important and not something you should be aiming to lose as you establish the business. However, it does tend to make new business owners a little less aware of the risks that could see them stumbling into the market, rather than rocketing through it. Here are five of the early risks you need to remind yourself […]