Thinking Your Way To Reinvention with Michael Levitt
In one year, Michael Levitt, CEO of Breakfast Leadership, lost his health, his job, his car, and his home....
In 2008 Corey found himself facing compassion fatigue and provider burnout at life-threatening levels. The real estate crash combined with emotional exhaustion created a nearly impossible relationship situation at home. Fortunately, one amazing night EVERYTHING SHIFTED and Corey found a way to make peace with the villains that were challenging his very survival. His life's mission is to help you and your organization to do the same.
In one year, Michael Levitt, CEO of Breakfast Leadership, lost his health, his job, his car, and his home....
When Corey Jahnke’s boss came to him with tears in her eyes because she was instructed to cut their...
Author Napoleon Hill in his landmark study of Success and Wealth concluded that as many as 98% of the...
Your past does not equal your future. In this episode, host Corey Jahnke discusses the “mid-conscious mind” and shares...
“A man walks down the street, he says ‘why am I soft in the middle now. Why am I soft...
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