More businesses are now looking for more and better ways that they can become greener and help the environment aswel as still being successful. Becoming a greener company is not only better for the environment it’s also a great way to show that you’re a forward-thinking company that is taking an active approach to help the world. It can give you an edge over your competition and help to save you money in the future and ultimately increase profits.
Have a look below at some of the ways you can make your business greener:
Waste Disposal Options
Have a think about the way that your company deals with any waste disposal. Every business is going to produce some waste, but it’s how you handle it that matters.
It’s also important that you make sure that you deal with the different types of packaging that your business uses, so if you have a canteen or a cafe as part of your office building, make sure that its supplied with compostable food packaging so that you know that every single dish is going to be disposed of correctly. The way that you handle your business waste is going to affect your reputation as much as it will affect your bottom line. Being able to supply the right packaging is vital for the way your employees and your clients feel about your company, so do what you can, where you can, and you will gain respect from all.
Consideration should be taken and it should never be thrown straight in the trash without thought. There are loads of ways that you can cut down on the waste that your business produces, and at the same time improve the way that your business is run. A great way to not only cut costs but also help the running of your business and help the environment at the same time. Try using cardboard balers and then send it to be recycled. Using tools like this will mean you are helping the environment, able to store more waste and store it for a longer period which means you could also cut costs. You should also think about adding in recycling bins around the office, it enables your staff to be greener and also makes your business more sustainable.
Promote Cycling
Although we haven’t quite arrived at the point where we are all cycling to and from work and meetings. It’s still something that a lot of fo people are now starting to do. Have a chat with your employees, find out how many people already cycle to work and what might make it easier for the others to start. Commuters are one of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions, therefore encouraging more people to cycle to work can help to cut this down. Have a look at introducing a cycle to work scheme and provide a bicycle shelter so they can keep their bike safe and dry. It will not only reduce your companies carbon footprint it will also help your employees to reduce theirs too. It also helps them to save money with fewer fuel costs, fewer travel tickets and parking fees.
Think About Your Energy Use
Energy use is one of the first areas that businesses look at in order to reduce their carbon footprint. One way to do this is to look at changing your bulbs for more energy-efficient ones, and looking at using a green energy supplier who gathers their energy from sources like wind turbines and solar panels. A really simple way of cutting down on your energy use as a company is to make small changes like turning off screens when not at the desk and turning off lights when no one is in the room.
These are just three ways that you can make your business greener, is there any that your business uses that you could share in the comments below?