If you have a small team working for your business, then it is so important that you make sure that they are pushing your business forward. You also need to make sure that they are willing to support you and each other during tough times. This is easier said than done because teams are complex and dynamic, but with the right changes, you can make the team you have the best they can be.
Lack of Purpose
If your team do not have a clear purpose or good goals then they will almost certainly falter. Not knowing what to accomplish and why it’s important will result in their performance taking a hit. If you want to get around this then you need to make sure that you are listing your team’s objectives clearly. You also need to make sure that they have a purpose which will help them to strive and push forward. Having an employee development plan will help you out a lot here, so keep that in mind.
Not Being Accountable
The definition of a team is where everyone is accountable for the outcome. A good team will hold themselves as well as others accountable for any commitments that have been made. If you have team members that do not take responsibility for their actions or if you have team members who do not pull their weight, then this will work against you and all of the progress that your business has made.
Lack of Leadership
Every single team out there needs a leader. That being said, the leadership has to be shared at times. You will never have a high-performing team if you have a leader who refuses to give up control. Your leader needs to know when to take charge and when to let the team make decisions. If they are unable to do this then you may find that you end up compromising and that you also find it difficult to make a positive change.
Lack of Trust
Teams need to have a system that is based on trust. Lack of trust tends to lead to poor communication and even the withholding of information sometimes. This is a barrier to your relationship as well as your innovation. If you are not careful then you may end up struggling overall.
Not Being able to Deal with Conflict
If you do not deal with conflict, then this will cause your morale and your productivity to come to a standstill. Rather than things being seen as general differences, you may find that you end up having a struggle for control. If you want to work around this while also being able to deepen your relationships, then you need to address any issues head-on. You also need to be able to focus on the management of your team. If you don’t then you may find that you struggle to deal with everything, and this is the last thing that you want when you are working so hard to build a company.