Now, more than ever, it’s important to have plenty of space within your office. The 2020 coronavirus pandemic has seen businesses of all shapes and sizes, across all fields of specialism and industries, impacted hard. Up until now, many governments around the world have ruled that office workers should operate on a remote basis wherever possible in order to minimise the spread of the virus. However, as rates are dropping and the economy needs us to get back into work, restrictions are being lifted and more and more staff are heading back to work on an in-office basis. Of course, the virus is still here, so you’re going to have to take steps to ensure that people are able to maintain a two metre distance between themselves and others while working. For most companies, this means maximising office space to operate from. Here are a few suggestions that could help you to achieve this!
Move Offices
If you have a very small office and you’re unable to accommodate your staff in the space, you may have to seriously consider moving to a larger office where two metre gaps can be placed between desks for the sake of your workers’ safety. This, of course, isn’t going to be all too cost effective for many brands. So, you need to weigh up whether staff generate sufficient profit by being in office to offset the increased costs of office space to determine whether this is a move worth making.
Consider Phased Returns
An alternative is to maintain the same office space, but only have a few key staff members back operating in-office. This could be a logical step for some companies where staff members do need to work on site to get all of their tasks complete.
Maximize Office Space
Chances are you weren’t using your office space to its maximum capacity pre-pandemic. There are likely to be all sorts of changes that you can make to make more of the space you’re working with. For example, you could invest in sliding barn doors from FGD Glass Solutions to reduce the amount of space that needs to be left behind the door to allow a standard door to open and close. A desk or other working space could be located in a spot that would usually be out of bounds!
Make Use of Spare Rooms
Most offices have spare rooms such as storage rooms or meeting rooms. As long as these rooms are fit for work (well ventilated with sufficient space to move around and plenty of natural light), you could repurpose them. Place a desk inside and hold meetings over video chats instead. Making more permanent and regular use of these rooms that are otherwise only used once or twice a day can prove much more beneficial for your company during this time.
These are just a few suggestions that every employer should keep in mind when introducing staff back into the office. Maximising space will make everyone feel more comfortable and safe in the working environment!