Any sort of event requires a lot of forward planning. There are so many elements and factors which go into the perfect party or conference, or any other occasion for that matter, that people often end up feeling stressed and frustrated before the actual day comes. To make things easier you should put together a checklist of all the points you need to consider when contemplating a selection of event venues. Below, we will reveal what you need to think about for your next business event.
How many people are going to be coming to the event?
The first thing you need to consider is how many people will be coming to the event and thus how big of a venue you require. After this, put some thought into where the majority of these guests will be coming from, so that you can find a venue which is in good reach for most people, as if it is miles away then people may not make the effort.
Determine when the event is going to take place
Furthermore, it is essential that you have an idea of what date you want the event to take place so that you can ask if that time frame is free when considering a certain place. After all, there is no point enquiring about the ins and outs of a venue if it is not even available. You should also make a conscious effort to check their health and safety policy in order to make sure that it matches your views.
The most obvious yet most forgotten aspect involved in deciding on event venues
There is a lot of planning that goes into any business event, such as a party, conference or any other important occasion. When deciding on which event venues to consider, we have to contemplate a whole host of factors; facilities available, health and safety, size and cost, to name but a few. However, with so much to think about, we often seem to forget the most obvious factor. In this case, it tends to be the location.
Yes, we may consider how nice and beautiful the location is, but we fail to think about how far our guests will have to travel and a lot of time it results in some of them not being able to make it. When deciding on a venue, make sure that you do a rough estimate of where each large percentage of guests are coming from and try to find somewhere in the middle. Convenience is a must!
Facilities are a must when deciding on conference rooms
Choosing the right conference rooms can often be a difficult challenge. There are so many available nowadays that it is hard to determine which will be the best one for you. However, once you have come to that decision you will feel a huge weight off your shoulders as it is one less pressure to deal with.
Once you have contemplated these aspects you then need to think about what facilities you require, for instance, if you are giving a presentation you may need a projector and a screen. Make a list of everything that is essential and make sure that the venue you are considering can cater to all of your needs before going forward.
My advice would be to create a list with two columns; one for must-have facilities and one for facilities you would like but are not essential. When searching for a conference room, you should write down the names of those that can cater to every single one of your listed facility needs. Then to narrow this bunch down further, go for the one which can provide most of your facility wants.
You may be able to hire equipment that you can bring with you if the venue is not going to be able to provide it, but this is going to be more hassle. Plus, there are some things you cannot fix. For example, if you need a conference venue that is close to 5G cell towers, you will need to do your research and look for this beforehand.
What about your budget?
Finally, make sure that you determine a budget and stick to it – you do not want to pay for something you cannot comfortably afford. There are venues available for all budgets today, so you should have no trouble finding something that is right for you.