It takes a lot of time, money, and effort to convince a customer to make a purchase, so once you have acquired them, it is really important that you do what you can to keep them interested and keep them buying from your business.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at a few things you can do to improve customer re-engagement in your company.
- Never let them disengage
The best way to keep customers engaged is to ensure that they never disengage at any point in the first place. This means that you will need to do whatever you can to be attentive to their needs starting from the moment they make their first purchase.
One of the best ways to do this is by ensuring that you offer them a very high level of customer service that ensures they are impressed by your company.
Something else you should think about doing is setting up a customer loyalty scheme and sending them lots of exclusive offers, so they remain engaged with your business right from the off. Stop sending them interesting communications and it will not take long or them to look elsewhere.
- Create customer surveys
Creating and sending our customer surveys is a really good way of gauging what your existing customers love about your business and what they think could be improved. You can use this information to improve your business and how it operates, so that you can keep customers happy.
When you do make changes in line with their wishes, it is, of course, important that you take the time to notify them of the changes, because if they do not know about them they are hardly likely to re-engage.
- Revamp your website
This may seem like something that is too simple to have any real effect, but actually, revamping your website is one of the best ways to re-engage customers. Find some attractive new stock images for download, invest in a web designer who can help you clean up your website and increase its speed, have a content writer create some useful how-to guides, and then send an email to your new customers letting them know about your website relaunch. Manby of them will be curious enough to check it out and if you’ve forgotten it right, and they are suitably impressed, chances are they wk be re-engaged enough to consider buying again in the future.
- Send out a newsletter
Sending out a regular newsletter is a good way to re-engage those customers who are still around but who might not have bought anything recently. If they open your newsletter and they see lots of interesting new products, money-off vouchers, and handy how-to guides, amongst other things, they will think favorably of your business, and might just be tempted enough to become an active customer once again.
Of course, you should try not to send out too many newsletter emails, or that can start to feel like spam and end up putting them off, but sending one every two weeks or once a month can be a very successful low-key marketing tactic when re-engagement is the aim.
- Talk to them on social media
Something that can work very well to re-engage customers is to simply start spending more time on social media posting fun content and actually engaging with them by replying to their posts as much as you can. When customers see you engaging, they come to think that you actually care about them (which you should if you want to be successful) and they start to feel like they know you a bit more, which means they are far more likely to be inclined towards your business when they need the stuff you sell in the future.
- Offer them deals
Of course, if there is one thing that is going to re-engage the average customer above all else, it is offering them a great deal. Send them a voucher code to get 50- percent off or offer them a free gift with a purchase and you can bet your bottom dollar that you will see a huge influx of lapsed customers coming back to you once again. It really is very effective.
Keeping your customers engaged, so that they keep coming back to you time and time again, is so very important, not to mention a far cheaper strategy than forever chasing new customers, so be sure to put some of these techniques into action in your business today.