The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many challenges for businesses across the world. In many countries lockdowns and business premises closures have become a reality for many. However, for those in a manufacturing capacity, they have probably found themselves almost business as usual in an effort to keep their countries economy moving.
But with COVID-19 manufacturing guidelines varying from day to day, what are some of the steps that you can implement to protect yourselves and your workers? Outside of standard PPE, there are many extra methods that you can implement to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and prevent the shutdown of your manufacturing business. What follows are 5 simple steps you can implement quickly and efficiently.
Enact social distancing policies
For the near future social distancing is going to be the norm for pretty much everyone. Around 2 meters or 6 Feet is the general rule of thumb across the world and should be adhered to wherever possible. Many manufacturing businesses require close movement and working between employees though, so while it may not always be possible, it should be enforced and encouraged as much as humanly possible. Especially away from production areas where it can be more easily helped.
Install shielding and barriers for employees
If social distancing is harder to enforce on your premises then consider perspex or glass shielding for employees. Providing they don’t hinder working conditions, screens and shielding will act in a similar fashion to masks by preventing droplets from spreading in close proximity. If possible though also provide correct PPE and don’t use screens as the only alternative.
Control traffic flow
For moving around the premises, install one-way traffic areas, this will help limit the inter-personal contact your employees will face and help to keep them safe from any potential infection. If need be, provide clear markings and barriers that prevent traffic from moving in certain directions, in order to help maintain an easy flow.
Limit staff numbers in certain areas
If you have an on-site canteen or areas that staff congregate then consider limiting the numbers of people allowed in the area at any given time. If this means moving break times or allowing more flexibility with time management within the working day then so be it. It would be much more preferable for your employees to be 2-3 minutes late back to their stations than it would be to have any potential outbreak shut down your manufacturing business.
Install and encourage the use of hygiene stations
Hygiene stations such as handwashing areas or antibacterial gel dispensers should be considered and encouraged after installation. Almost all major health advice has recommended the constant use of anti-bacterial hand gel when possible and promoting its regular use should be a top priority. In the fight against COVID-19 good hygiene is one of the best defences and prevention should be at the forefront of your mind at all times.